Should we believe a product without having research for it? I do not think so. That's why we work on this so-called awesome Pur Crf950z Replacement Water Filter (package Of 1 Filter) coming from Pur and then look for all basic information about it. I will bring all the fact and trivia concerning this product, right from product characteristics, such as product dimensions, colors, and so on; until the product legitimate testimonials by the earlier purchaser, whether or not they are satisfied while using the product or not and so on; in order to provide you and all our visitors to receive appropriate information they wanted.
As reported by the manufacturer, the particular product weight is estimated for around 0.49 pounds prior to shipping and then followed by 2.66 inches x 2.66 inches x 7.81 inches, and that is represent the product length, width and height suitably.
As quoted from Pur website, the existing colour for the present time shall be Clear/white but with possible wide variety of interesting colors in the approaching collection. So it is a good idea to go to the product sales page frequently for up to date information. Check out for more accessible colors
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